not_avampire Jan 05, 2008 22:12
biology!, parasites, my job!, giant killer worms, plotly angst, i am fantastically not a vampire, biology, parasite person, cal thompson: hunter of easter candy, my job, paranoia paranoia
not_avampire Jan 05, 2008 03:29
evolution, i wrotes a book, cal thompson: opinionated bastard, plotlyness, i am fantastically not a vampire, so canon it hurts, cal thompson: hunter of easter candy, cal thompson: the science guy, this stolen from: ch. 20, aliums oh noes, who needs straight answers, dingoes ate my baby, i can see forever!, i should be on hiatus, this entry has too many tags, lolscience, the parasite, rantrantrant, i'll get the cape, rant, i can code html yey, my job is..., my job, i apologize for the length, i've missed the rants!